Voice-Native Text Editor

Dictate, Edit, and Transform using Natural Language.

Backed by YC

What You Said

What You Want

Remember that the meeting is on Thursday. - Friday, Friday.
Remember that the meeting is on Friday.
(Implicit Correction)
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein. Put quotes on that.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein.
(Uses context to insert quotes.)



Looking at my day, I need to follow up with Mark. Return the Amazon package and then send my notes on the launch around to the team And can you make that a todo list
To-Do List:
- Follow up with Mark
- Return the Amazon package
- Send my notes on the launch to the team
(Transform into list.)


Aqua Voice

Aqua Voice excels at common daily tasks, outperforming all other services. While it benchmarks worse on lecture transcription, this was due to it rephrasing rambling speech into more concise language, rather than incorrect word recognition.


.05 Word Error Rate

More accurate in realtime than Whisper large-v3.

Voice-driven Editing

Effortlessly edit your documents using just your voice.

Fluid Rewrites

Ask Aqua to rephrase, shorten, or clean up your text while maintaining your tone.

Fill in the Blank

Forgot a name, word, fact, or number? Just ask Aqua to fill it in for you.

Filler Phrase Removal

Automatically removes unnecessary fillers for polished, professional writing.


1000 words free.

Then $10 per month.